Figure 2 - Isoform Fraction analysis


Michael Gandal


myDesign = tribble(
  ~sampleID, ~condition,~donor,
  "VZ_209", "VZ","209",
  "VZ_334", "VZ","334",
  "VZ_336", "VZ","336",
  "CP_209", "CP","209",
  "CP_334", "CP","334",
  "CP_336", "CP","336",
) %>%
    dplyr::across(condition, as_factor)

cts = read_tsv("data/cp_vz_0.75_min_7_recovery_talon_abundance_filtered.tsv.gz")
Rows: 214516 Columns: 35
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr  (7): annot_gene_id, annot_transcript_id, annot_gene_name, annot_transcr...
dbl (28): gene_ID, transcript_ID, n_exons, length, 209_1_VZ, 209_2_VZ, 209_3...

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
cts.collapse = cts %>%
      VZ_209 = rowSums(across(matches("209_.*_VZ"))),
      VZ_334 = rowSums(across(matches("334_.*_VZ"))),
      VZ_336 = rowSums(across(matches("336_.*_VZ"))),
      CP_209 = rowSums(across(matches("209_.*_CP"))),
      CP_334 = rowSums(across(matches("334_.*_CP"))),
      CP_336 = rowSums(across(matches("336_.*_CP"))),
      .keep = "unused"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::select(!c("gene_ID", "transcript_ID", "annot_transcript_name")) %>%
      gene_id = "annot_gene_id",
      transcript_id = "annot_transcript_id",
      gene_name = "annot_gene_name"
    ) %>%
      gene_novelty = as.factor(gene_novelty),
      transcript_novelty = as.factor(transcript_novelty),
      ISM_subtype = ISM_subtype %>% na_if("None") %>% as.factor()
  cts$counts = rowSums(as.matrix(cts.collapse[,9:14]))
  cts$novelty2 = as.character(cts$transcript_novelty)
  cts$novelty2[which(cts$novelty2=="ISM" & cts$ISM_subtype=="Prefix")] = "ISM_Prefix"
  cts$novelty2[which(cts$novelty2=="ISM" & cts$ISM_subtype=="Suffix")] = "ISM_Suffix"
  cts$novelty2[cts$novelty2 %in% c("Antisense", "Genomic", "Intergenic", "ISM")] = "Other"
  cts$novelty2 = factor(cts$novelty2,levels=c("Known", "ISM_Prefix", "ISM_Suffix", "NIC", "NNC", "Other"))
datExpr.counts =[,9:14])
rownames(datExpr.counts) = cts$annot_transcript_id

talonSwitchList = readRDS("data/working/talonSwitchList_preFilter.rds")
talon_filtered_isoforms = talonSwitchList$isoformFeatures$isoform_id
localAnnoation <- unique($exons@elementMetadata[,c("gene_id", "isoform_id")]))

Get average gene expression and isoform number

genes = cts %>% dplyr::select(annot_gene_id, annot_transcript_id,annot_gene_name) %>% group_by(annot_gene_id) %>% summarise(numIso=n_distinct(annot_transcript_id))

countMat = as.matrix(cts.collapse[,9:14])
cs = colSums(countMat) / 1000000 ## TPM normalize
countMat.tpm = t(apply(countMat, 1, function(x) { x / cs}))
isoTPM = data.frame(annot_gene_id = cts$annot_gene_id, annot_transcript_id = cts$annot_transcript_id, isoTPM=rowMeans(countMat.tpm))

genes <- genes %>% left_join(isoTPM %>% group_by(annot_gene_id) %>% summarise(geneTPM = log2(.1 + mean(isoTPM))))
Joining, by = "annot_gene_id"

Calculate isoform fraction

genes_with_multiple_isoforms = genes %>% filter(numIso>1) %>% dplyr::select(annot_gene_id) %>% pull()

datExpr.tx <- cts.collapse[,c(1:2,9:14)] %>% filter(gene_id %in% genes_with_multiple_isoforms) %>% pivot_longer(-c("gene_id", "transcript_id"),names_to = "sample", values_to = "counts")

datExpr.gene = datExpr.tx %>% group_by(gene_id, sample) %>% summarise(gene_counts=sum(counts))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'gene_id'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
datExpr.gene <- datExpr.gene %>% left_join(datExpr.gene %>% group_by(sample) %>% summarise(read_depth = sum(gene_counts)))
Joining, by = "sample"
expressed_genes_with_multiple_isoforms <- datExpr.gene %>% group_by(gene_id) %>% summarise(samples_expressed=sum(gene_counts/(read_depth/1000000)>1)) %>% filter(samples_expressed >=3) %>% dplyr::select(gene_id) %>% pull()

datExpr.tx <- datExpr.tx %>% filter(gene_id %in% expressed_genes_with_multiple_isoforms) %>% left_join(datExpr.gene, by=c("gene_id", "sample")) %>% mutate(iso_usage=counts/gene_counts)
datExpr.tx$iso_usage[$iso_usage)] = 0

datExpr.tx %>% group_by(gene_id) %>% summarise(expr=sum(iso_usage>0)) %>% arrange(expr)
# A tibble: 12,958 × 2
   gene_id               expr
   <chr>                <int>
 1 ENSG00000010932.17_3     4
 2 ENSG00000162882.15_4     5
 3 ENSG00000165478.7_4      5
 4 ENSG00000188820.13_5     5
 5 ENSG00000264449.6_6      5
 6 ENSG00000075651.16_5     6
 7 ENSG00000077092.19_5     6
 8 ENSG00000081138.14_4     6
 9 ENSG00000081320.11_5     6
10 ENSG00000101955.15_6     6
# … with 12,948 more rows
datExpr.if = datExpr.tx %>% dplyr::select(transcript_id, sample, iso_usage) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = sample, values_from = iso_usage)

datExpr.if_avg = datExpr.tx %>% dplyr::select(transcript_id, sample, iso_usage) %>% group_by(transcript_id) %>% summarise(avgIF = mean(iso_usage))

datExpr.if_avg <- datExpr.if_avg %>% left_join(cts.collapse %>% dplyr::select(gene_id,transcript_id))
Joining, by = "transcript_id"
this_df = datExpr.if_avg %>% group_by(gene_id) %>% summarise(dominantIF = max(avgIF)) %>% left_join(genes, by=c("gene_id"= "annot_gene_id"))

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  gene_id              dominantIF numIso geneTPM
  <chr>                     <dbl>  <int>   <dbl>
1 ENSG00000000003.15_4      0.490     13   3.27 
2 ENSG00000000419.12_5      0.628      7   0.637
3 ENSG00000000457.14_6      0.607     15   1.04 
4 ENSG00000000460.17_6      0.522     15   0.357
5 ENSG00000000938.13_5      0.433      4  -1.76 
6 ENSG00000000971.16_3      0.944      2   0.290
this_df$numIsoQuantile = ntile(this_df$numIso,5)
this_df$geneTPMquantile = ntile(this_df$geneTPM,5)
Fig2_domIso=ggplot(this_df, aes(x=dominantIF,fill=factor(geneTPMquantile))) + geom_histogram(bins = 20) + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues") + theme_bw() + 
  labs(x="Dominant isoform expression fraction", y="Gene count", fill="Gene\nExpression\nQuintile") + 
  theme(legend.title = )

ggsave(Fig2_domIso, file="output/figures/Fig2/Fig2_domIso.pdf",width=4,height=2.5)



df_treemap = cts  %>% dplyr::select(Gene=annot_gene_name, Isoform=annot_transcript_name, novelty2, counts) %>% filter(Gene%in% c("TBR1","SATB2", "SOX5", "SOX2", "EOMES", "DLX1","POU3F2", "HOPX", "HES1", "RBFOX2"))

ggplot(df_treemap, aes(area=counts, fill=Gene, label=Isoform, alpha=(novelty2=="Known"), subgroup=Gene)) + 
  geom_treemap() +geom_treemap_subgroup_border(colour = "black", size = 5, alpha=1) +
  geom_treemap_subgroup_text(place = "centre", grow = TRUE,
                             alpha = 0.95, colour = "black",
                             fontface = "italic") +
  geom_treemap_text(colour = "white", place = "top", alpha=.5,
                    size = 15, grow = F)+   theme(legend.position = "none")
Warning: Using alpha for a discrete variable is not advised.

df_treemap = cts  %>% dplyr::select(Gene=annot_gene_name, Isoform=annot_transcript_name, novelty2, counts) %>% filter(Gene%in% c("SCN2A", "CHD8", "SYNGAP1", "ADNP", "PTEN", "FOXP1", "CHD2", "POGZ", "GRIN2B", "KTM5B", "ARID1B", "ASH1L"))

Fig5_ASDtreeplot = ggplot(df_treemap, aes(area=counts, fill=Gene, label=Isoform, alpha=(novelty2=="Known"), subgroup=Gene)) + 
  geom_treemap() +geom_treemap_subgroup_border(colour = "black", size = 2, alpha=1) +
  geom_treemap_subgroup_text(place = "centre", grow = F,
                             alpha = 0.95, colour = "black",
                             fontface = "italic") +
  geom_treemap_text(colour = "grey", place = "top", alpha=.5,
                    size = 15, grow = F)+   theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Paired')

ggsave(Fig5_ASDtreeplot, file="output/figures/Fig5/Fig5_ASDtreeplot.pdf",width=5,height=3)
Warning: Using alpha for a discrete variable is not advised.